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Details for Everson Mono Unicode

Everson Mono Unicode (evermono.ttf)
Source: Shareware from Everson Mono.
Stats: Version 4.1.3 2003-02-13 has 4,899 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Armenian, Canadian Syllabics (all syllabaries, all characters), Cherokee, Cyrillic (all or most of range), Georgian (Mkhedruli and Asomtavruli), Greek (including polytonic and Coptic characters), Hebrew, Japanese (Hiragana and Katakana only), Latin, Ogham, Runic, Vietnamese
Armenian [ show all fonts ]


Canadian Syllabics [ show all fonts ]


Cherokee [ show all fonts ]


Cree / Ojibwe [ show all fonts ]


Cyrillic (Beyond Slavic) [ show all fonts ]


Cyrillic OCS [ show all fonts ]


Cyrillic (Slavic) [ show all fonts ]


Georgian [ show all fonts ]


Greek [ show all fonts ]


Coptic subset of the Greek Unicode block [ show all fonts ]


Polytonic Greek [ show all fonts ]


Hebrew [ show all fonts ]

Coverage includes cantillation marks.


Inuktitut [ show all fonts ]


Ogham [ show all fonts ]


Runic [ show all fonts ]


Vietnamese [ show all fonts ]


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