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Details for Arabeyes Kasr fonts:

Arabeyes Kasr fonts:
  1. ae_AlArabiya
  2. ae_AlBattar
  3. ae_AlHor
  4. ae_AlManzomah
  5. ae_AlMateen
  6. ae_AlMohanad
  7. ae_AlMothnna
Source: Free download of Arabeyes TrueType Fonts #1 (ae_fonts1_ttf_1.1.tar.bz2).
Be sure to keep the .tar.bz2 extension when you download the file.
Note: Requires a program such as the free 7-Zip utility to extract files from the .bz2 download.
Stats: Version 1.0 has 18,509 glyphs and no kerning pairs
Support: Arabic script (Arabic only), Latin
OpenType Layout Tables: Arabic, Latin
Arabic, ... [ show all fonts ]

Note: Only supports Arabic-Indic digits (U+0660 - U+0669). Contains no European (U+0030 - U+0039) nor Eastern Arabic-Indic (U+06F0 - U+06F9) digits.

   various Arabeyes fonts from Kasr

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